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The decision of pursuing a law career is easier to make than deciding which area of law you wish to specialize in. A law student has many options to choose from and thus it can very confusing for him or her to choose a single field from so many areas. But it is suggested that you select your option as soon as possible so that you can concentrate on it and be an expert in that area.

There are a few major areas of law which consists of many specializations. A. Harrison Barnes says that you can choose any of these areas and specialize in it and have a successful legal career in that particular area. Some of the most popular and challenging areas that interests a law student are – employment law, healthcare law, labor law, bankruptcy and insurance law.

Employment law mainly deals with the relationship between employers and its employees. The attorneys who are experts in this field need to have the knowledge of hiring an employee, their wrongful termination and also about the restrictions of employees that they face while moving to another legal employer.

If you specialize in health care law then you need to have the knowledge of all laws that are related to private and public insurance. You should be even capable of dealing with issues related to malpractice. You should even help organizations make a shift to manage care, and that too in a legal and smooth way. The concentration these days have now turned towards managed health care. And this is responsible for the growing complications in this area of law feels A. Harrison Barnes.

Not many are interested in this area of law. But A. Harrison Barnes believes that this is a field which is surely going to see a growth in future. It is because of the change in some policies in management techniques that are used by international corporations. In order to specialize in this field you have to know the laws that are related to union organization, union’s obligations to its members and collective bargaining.

Bankruptcy is an area where the lawyers need to know about the eligibility requirements that are necessary to file for certain types of bankruptcy protection and also for the special protections that are granted under each type. They should also know about the specific rights of the creditors and the debtors.

Insurance law consists of interpretation and enforcement of liability, life insurance policies and property. They need to emphasis on the functions of insurance in civil litigation matters and the effects it has on the public policy.

A. Harrison Barnes says that apart from the above mentioned areas of law there are many others to choose from. It is important for you to decide which field or area you are interested in. you cannot have the knowledge all the areas – it is simply not possible. Thus you need to specialize in a particular law field. This will help you in your legal career and in your future life. You will obviously have the basic knowledge but specializing in a particular field will act as an upper hand for you for most employers look for attorneys who have specialized in a particular field.

But before you choose your area make sure you do your homework well and even discuss about it to your known lawyers in that particular field. They being the experts can guide you very well in your decision. This will not only be beneficial for your legal career but will also save time, money and effort that you will waste by choosing or opting for wrong field of law.

A. Harrison Barnes has created and now owns Legal He has created to provide help to the upcoming lawyers in deciding what they really want and even help them achieve it. They make sure that their clients get the best they deserve that will be crucial for their future in the legal career.

Legal has recruiters who are themselves experienced attorneys and now are experts who can guide you in the best possible way. They provide you with complete information of the job market. This enables the lawyers for not making wrong decisions and moving in the undesired field. They don’t have to compromise with inferior opportunities within the field.

A. Harrison Barnes’s Legal provides the lawyers with a bigger picture and helps them recognize the tools that are required to be successful in the desired field. A. Harrison Barnes believes that key to a successful legal career is not to find the ideal first job, but instead to work at many different firms, and gain experience and skills.

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