Tuesday October 22, 2024

Law Student Jobs – How to Find Good Law Student Jobs

Students now have so many career options to choose from that they often face a very typical problem. There are now too many to choose from. There used to be a time when we had a fixed set of jobs but now you can practically make a career in anything and everything you are keen […]

More Bleak News from the Healthcare Front

Hewitt Analysis released its annual projections for employer sponsored health insurance plans for 2011.  The news isn’t promising, then again, few thought that it would be.  The report, released in late September, says costs will increase, once again, next year.  And these increases could hit up to 9%.  A. Harrison Barnes, attorney and LawCrossing.com founder, […]

A New Job Description – in an Unlikely Sort of Way

Even in a paperless world, those in the legal profession still must maintain their clients’ confidentiality. That means paperwork must be maintained, even when there’s no room for it on the law firm’s premises. While ideally there is less paper being stored with each passing year, it’s important to remember those files from two, three […]

Is Making Partner on Your Career Path?

Most lawyers graduate law school with visions of making partner at a dream law firm. Ideally, they can make this happen in record time; realistically, it might be quite some time – and with a few hard knocks – before it actually comes to fruition. A. Harrison Barnes, who is a lawyer and also the […]

Expanding Your Legal Career

Everyone wishes to take their attorney careers to their highest levels. They all want to make their dreams come true which can only be achieved through a bright, successful and rewarding legal career which has moved or rather crossed every step that is required to reach to the final destination of your career. Nobody wishes […]