Monday September 9, 2024

More Bleak News from the Healthcare Front

Hewitt Analysis released its annual projections for employer sponsored health insurance plans for 2011.  The news isn’t promising, then again, few thought that it would be.  The report, released in late September, says costs will increase, once again, next year.  And these increases could hit up to 9%.  A. Harrison Barnes, attorney and founder, […]

Who Says the Law Hasn’t Evolved?

Would you put an attorney on retainer if you learned he didn’t have a law degree? Some of the most famous and well respected attorneys throughout American history never stepped foot inside a law school. A. Harrison Barnes, a lawyer (who did attend law school, by the way) and founder of says you might […]

Selecting the Most Suitable Job Offer

If you have all the capabilities and have proved it by making a good legal job search, presenting the best resume and the cover letter, clearing the most difficult part i.e. the interview and bagging many offers in hand then you have surely done a lot of good to yourself. But the most important work […]

Choosing a Law Field for Specialization

The decision of pursuing a law career is easier to make than deciding which area of law you wish to specialize in. A law student has many options to choose from and thus it can very confusing for him or her to choose a single field from so many areas. But it is suggested that […]

Changing Your Legal Career

The legal profession is honoring as well as full of stress and strain. The level of stress at times is so high that not everyone is able to cope with it. There are many lawyers who start questioning them if they really suit the legal profession and if they should continue with the legal practice […]